Jiu Jitsu can support you in terms of giving you more confidence, giving you more capacity to handle stress, handle emotions

— Rickson Gracie

What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ( BJJ )

BJJ revolves around the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution, taking the fight to the ground and using a number of holds and submissions to defeat them. BJJ training can be used for sport grappling and in self-defence situations.

Sparring, commonly referred to as "rolling" within the BJJ community, and live drilling plays a major role in training and the practitioner's development. BJJ can also be used as a method of promoting physical fitness and building character, and as a way of life.

Jnr BJJ at BDA

We currently have Junior classes for BJJ (No-Gi) and these are run by coach Hasanaat

Class timings:

Sunday (Age 5-15): 1pm-2pm

